Liderazgos, no líderes. Los ejercicios espirituales y las escuelas de negocios

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


The final question that arises in this paper is whether there is something that differentiates a Jesuit Business School (JBS) from other business schools. This question is addressed through a tendency that has become especially relevant in the recent years due to its social impact and its educational transversality: leadership. The question, then, is to explore what is meant by leadership and if it is possible to define it (especially from an educational point of view) within the framework of a JBS. The first half of this paper proposes an understanding of the issues encompassing leadership and an approach to it. The second half, based on an anthropological rereading of some meditations in the Spiritual Exercises, proposes a framework for dealing with leadership in a JBS.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationScientia Marina: International Journal on Marine Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2011


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