L'efficacité de l’étirement passif statique du deltoïde postérieur sur la rotation gléno-humérale chez les nageurs d’élite après la compétition: un essai clinique quasi expérimental

Translated title of the contribution: The effectiveness of static passive stretching on glenohumeral rotation range of movement in elite swimmers after competition: A quasi-experimental clinical trial

M. Solana-Tramunt, J. Morales, R. López-Vidriero, E. López-Vidriero, J. H. Villafañe

    Research output: Indexed journal article Letterpeer-review

    Translated title of the contributionThe effectiveness of static passive stretching on glenohumeral rotation range of movement in elite swimmers after competition: A quasi-experimental clinical trial
    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)79-81
    Number of pages3
    JournalScience and Sports
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021

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