La remuneración de los árbitros. Honrando sus honorarios

Research output: Book chapterChapter


In legal literature on arbitartion, there seems to be, surprisingly, a legal vacuum in terms of the amount of money that arbitrations can receive as fees for their services. Even if discreetly treated in each arbitration case, this issue exists. Arbitrators do not work for free, but for a fee. Three basic criteria exist for setting fees: Time spent on resolving the case, amount in dispute, and other unspecified elements, open to the arbitrator's own assesment. Institutional arbitration usually refers to time or amount, This chapter is just a teaser to spark a more serious discussion on whether arbitrators deserve the money they are paid.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArbitraje: comentarios prácticos para la empresa. Coincidiendo con la reforma de la Ley 60/2003 de Arbitraje
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2011


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