La regulació del registre de grups d'interès a la Llei 19/2014, del 29 de desembre, de transparència, accés a la informació pública i bon govern

E. Bartlett Castella, Sílvia Vèrnia i Trillo

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


Activity from lobbies and their compatibility with the democratic system has been the subject of consideration for decades, particularly in common law countries that have been the first to regulate it. Despite having proposed it several times, it was not until December 2014 that a regulation has been approved in Spain, which has autonomous scope since it has made by the Parliament of Catalonia through Law 19/2014. This is a positive step to raise awareness and monitor the private influence in the public decision making, albeit on the basis of the application of the regulation, in the future must be improved in order to enhance effectiveness
Original languageCatalan
Specialist publicationRevista Catalana de Dret Públic
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015

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