La idea de justicia en Amartya Sen y la educación jurídica en las facultades jesuitas

Cesar Arjona Sebastià, J. Mària Serrano

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


This article refers to the criticism made by Amartya Sen on the predominant theories regarding justice today and the problems detected in the principal model of law training. Starting with the relationship between these two aspects, there is a presentation of thr guidelines proposed by Sen to overcome the problems identified, which the authors feel are closely connected to the promotion of justice that the Society of Jesus has adopted as the basic integrating premise of its mission. The text ends with an analysis of the way this mission can be effectuated in a Jesuit Law School.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationScientia Marina: International Journal on Marine Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2012


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