La franquesa i la transparència en la retòrica presidencial als Estats Units

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review


In contrast to Strauss’ esoteric art of writing (which pro- vides the philosopher with a kind of language that will be understood only by those who will not persecute him), Antonio Lastra proposes a constitutional art of writing, based on the frankness and the transparency inspired by the founding texts of the United States, in particular, the Constitution. That rhetoric of frankness is present in pre- sidential addresses, but behind that transparency lies the desire to reinforce the citizens’ identification with insti- tutions and, especially, to convince the public about the rightness of any decision that the government has made frankly and openly and which has been scrutinized by the media. In a society which enjoys freedom of speech, we can make the mistake of punishing lies more than evil, or of justifying the worst errors if made openly and in the glare of the mass media.
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)123-139
Number of pages16
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007


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