La colaboración interinstitucional como respuesta al desafío de la inclusión socioeducativa: Análisis de 4 experiencias de trabajo en red a nivel local en Cataluña

Translated title of the contribution: Inter-institutional collaboration in response to the challenge of socio-educational inclusion: Analysis of 4 territorial networking experiences in Catalonia

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

42 Citations (Scopus)


This article reflects on the emergence of socio-educational networking, set up from the collaboration among social and educational institutions. Firstly, the concept of network and the sense of proposing this new way of organizing educational and social action with the school at the core are presented. Then, the principles of this emergent model of socio-educational action are discussed, with network management also being tackled. The principles of proximity, transversality, horizontality, co-responsibility, collaboration, proactivity and projection express and organize the educational action, which requires a leadership capable of developing the network and achieving the objectives.Also, by contrasting the theoretical approach and 4 recognized socio-educational networking experiences in Catalonia, common factors are highlighted and the interest and feasibility of the model presented is appreciated. They are networks that focus on improving social and educational inclusion of adolescents and young people with stress placed on school success and the school to work transition. Its evolution, purpose, organization and performance are analyzed.The paper reaches conclusions about the importance of shared, redistributed and democratized work in order to meet common challenges, avoiding models where the school centralizes all the action or models where the school is excluded to give prominence to other agents.

Translated title of the contributionInter-institutional collaboration in response to the challenge of socio-educational inclusion: Analysis of 4 territorial networking experiences in Catalonia
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)213-236
Number of pages24
JournalEducacion XX1
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Community education
  • school-community relationship
  • community development
  • school success
  • local educational networks


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