Jesuit business education model: In search of a new role for the firm based on sustainability and dignity

Ricardo Aguado, Leire Alcañiz, José Luis Retolaza, L. Albareda Vivó

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Jesuit Universities have been training responsible professionals since the 16th century. Given this educational tradition, and in the face of the new challenges posed by the present-day social and economic situation, the Society of Jesus has started to implement the “Ledesma-Kolvenbach” educational paradigm in its higher education institutions. Instead of short-term profit maximization, the Ledesma-Kolvenbach model considers sustainability, human dignity and social well-being as key elements in business strategies. The objective of this paper is to propose a method capable of measuring the economic and social value generated by a firm managed in accordance with the four dimensions of the Ledesma- Kolvenbach model. The methodology is developed in three steps. In the first place, the authors explore the existing literature on the Ledesma- Kolvenbach model and its roots in Jesuit education. Secondly, they analyze the literature that studies the role of the firm from a neoclassical perspective, as well as other complementary or alternative approaches. In the third place, they present an empirical model that has already been tested in different organizations, designed to measure the social and economic value generated by firms. The main result of the paper is a method that can be used to measure the social and the economic value generated by firms, such that society, managers and public administrations have an operational tool to present and evaluate the economic and social performance of firms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-18
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Technology Management and Innovation
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Humanistic management
  • Jesuit business education
  • Ledesma-Kolvenbach model
  • Social value monetization


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