Intravenous alteplase for stroke with unknown time of onset guided by advanced imaging: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data

Götz Thomalla*, Florent Boutitie, Henry Ma, Masatoshi Koga, Peter Ringleb, Lee H. Schwamm, Ona Wu, Martin Bendszus, Christopher F. Bladin, Bruce C.V. Campbell, Bastian Cheng, Leonid Churilov, Martin Ebinger, Matthias Endres, Jochen B. Fiebach, Mayumi Fukuda-Doi, Manabu Inoue, Timothy J. Kleinig, Lawrence L. Latour, Robin LemmensChristopher R. Levi, Didier Leys, Kaori Miwa, Carlos A. Molina, Keith W. Muir, Norbert Nighoghossian, Mark W. Parsons, Salvador Pedraza, Peter D. Schellinger, Stefan Schwab, Claus Z. Simonsen, Shlee S. Song, Vincent Thijs, Danilo Toni, Chung Y. Hsu, Nils Wahlgren, Haruko Yamamoto, Nawaf Yassi, Sohei Yoshimura, Steven Warach, Werner Hacke, Kazunori Toyoda, Geoffrey A. Donnan, Stephen M. Davis, Christian Gerloff, Boris Raul Acosta, Karen Aegidius, Christian Albiker, Anna Alegiani, Miriam Almendrote, Angelika Alonso, Katharina Althaus, Pierre Amarenco, Hemasse Amiri, Bettina Anders, Adriana Aniculaesei, Jason Appleton, Juan Arenillas, Christina Back, Christian Bähr, Jürgen Bardutzky, Flore Baronnet-Chauvet, Rouven Bathe-Peters, Anna Bayer-Karpinska, Juan L. Becerra, Christoph Beck, Olga Belchí Guillamon, Amandine Benoit, Nadia Berhoune, Daniela Bindila, Julia Birchenall, Karine Blanc-Lasserre, Miguel Blanco Gonzales, Tobias Bobinger, Ulf Bodechtel, Eric Bodiguel, Urszula Bojaryn, Louise Bonnet, Benjamin Bouamra, Paul Bourgeois, Lorenz Breuer, Ludovic Breynaert, David Broughton, Raf Brouns, Sébastian Brugirard, Bart Bruneel, Florian Buggle, Serkan Cakmak, Ana Calleja, David Calvet, David Carrera, Hsin Chieh Chen, Bharath Cheripelli, Tae Hee Cho, Chi un Choe, Lillian Choy, Hanne Christensen, Mareva Ciatipis, Geoffrey Cloud, Julien Cogez, Elisa Cortijo, Sophie Crozier, Dorte Damgaard, Krishna Dani, Beatrijs De Coene, Isabel De Hollander, Jacques De Keyser, Nina De Klippel, Charlotte De Maeseneire, Ann De Smedt, Maria del Mar Castellanos Rodrigo, Sandrine Deltour, Jelle Demeestere, Laurent Derex, Philippe Desfontaines, Ralf Dittrich, Anand Dixit, Laurens Dobbels, Valérie Domigo, Laura Dorado, Charlotte Druart, Kristina Hougaard Dupont, Anne Dusart, Rainer Dziewas, Matthias Ebner, Myriam Edjali-Goujon, Philipp Eisele, Salwa El Tawil, Ahmed Elhfnawy, Ana Etexberria, Nicholas Evans, Simon Fandler, Franz Fazekas, Sandra Felix, Jochen B. Fiebach, Jens Fiehler, Alexandra Filipov, Katharina Filipski, Robert Fleischmann, Christian Foerch, Ian Ford, Alexandra Gaenslen, Ivana Galinovic, Elena Meseguer Gancedo, Ramanan Ganeshan, Alicia Garrido, Thomas Gattringer, Olivia Geraghty, Rohat Geran, Stefan Gerner, Sylvie Godon-Hardy, Jos Göhler, Amir Golsari, Meritxell Gomis, David Gorriz, Verena Gramse, Laia Grau, Martin Griebe, Cristina Guerrero, Damla Guerzoglu, Sophie Guettier, Vincent Guiraud, Christoph Gumbinger, Ignaz Gunreben, Florian Haertig, Christian Hametner, Bernard Hanseeuw, Andreas Hansen, Jakob Hansen, Thomas Harbo, Andreas Harloff, Peter Harmel, Karl Georg Häusler, Florian Heinen, Valentin Held, Simon Hellwig, Dimitri Hemelsoet, Michael Hennerici, Juliane Herm, Sylvia Hermans, María Hernández, Jose Hervas Vicente, Niels Hjort, Cristina Hobeanu, Carsten Hobohm, Elmar Höfner, Katharina Hohenbichler, Marc Hommel, Julia Hoppe, Eva Hornberger, Carolin Hoyer, Xuya Huang, Nils Ipsen, Irina Isern, Lourdes Ispierto, Helle Iversen, Lise Jeppesen, Marta Jimenez, Jan Jungehülsing, Eric Jüttler, Dheeraj Kalladka, Bernd Kallmünzer, Arindam Kar, Lars Kellert, André Kemmling, Tobias Kessler, Usman Khan, Matthias Klein, Christoph Kleinschnitz, Matti Klockziem, Michael Knops, Luzie Koehler, Martin Koehrmann, Heinz Kohlfürst, Rainer Kollmar, Peter Kraft, Thomas Krause, Bo Kristensen, Jan M. Kröber, Natalia Kurka, Alexandre Ladoux, Patrice Laloux, Catherine Lamy, Emmanuelle Landrault, Arne Lauer, Claire Lebely, Jonathan Leempoel, Kennedy Lees, Anne Leger, Laurence Legrand, Lin Li, Anna Mareike Löbbe, Frederic London, Elena Lopez-cancio, Matthias Lorenz, Stephen Louw, Caroline Lovelock, Manuel Lozano Sánchez, Giuseppe Lucente, Janos Lückl, Alain Luna, Kosmas Macha, Alexandre Machet, Daniel Mackenrodt, Dominik Madzar, Charles Majoie, Anika Männer, Vicky Maqueda, Jacob Marstrand, Alicia Martinez, Annika Marzina, Laura Mechthouff, Per Meden, Guy Meersman, Julia Meier, Charles Mellerio, Oliver Menn, Nadja Meyer, Dominik Michalski, Peter Michels, Lene Michelsen, Monica Millán Torne, Jens Minnerup, Boris Modrau, Sebastian Moeller, Anette Møller, Nathalie Morel, Fiona Moreton, Ludovic Morin, Thierry Moulin, Barry Moynihan, Anne K. Mueller, Patricia Mulero, Sibu Mundiyanapurath, Johannes Mutzenbach, Simon Nagel, Oliver Naggara, Arumugam Nallasivan, Irene Navalpotro, Alexander H. 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Kyndt, C. L. Lau, A. Lee, C. Y. Lee, J. T. Lee, Y. Lee, Y. C. Lee, L. M. Lien, J. C. Lim, C. C. Lin, C. H. Lin, C. M. Lin, D. Lin, C. H. Liu, J. Liu, Y. C. Lo, P. S. Loh, E. Low, C. H. Lu, C. J. Lu, M. K. Lu, J. Ly, L. Macaulay, R. Macdonnell, E. Mackey, M. Macleod, J. Mahadevan, V. Maxwell, R. McCoy, A. McDonald, S. McModie, A. Meretoja, S. Mishra, P. J. Mitchell, F. Miteff, A. Moore, C. Muller, F. Ng, F. C. Ng, J. L. Ng, W. O'Brian, V. O'Collins, T. J. Oxley, S. Patel, G. S. Peng, L. Pesavento, T. Phan, E. Rodrigues, Z. Ross, A. Sabet, M. Sallaberger, P. Salvaris, D. Shah, G. Sharma, G. Sibolt, M. Simpson, S. Singhal, B. Snow, N. Spratt, R. Stark, J. Sturm, M. C. Sun, Y. Sun, P. S. Sung, Y. F. Sung, M. Suzuki, M. Tan, S. C. Tang, T. Tatlisumak, M. Tiainen, C. H. Tsai, C. K. Tsai, C. L. Tsai, H. T. Tsai, L. K. Tsai, C. H. Tseng, L. T. Tseng, J. Tsoleridis, H. Tu, H. T.H. Tu, W. Vallat, J. Virta, W. C. Wang, Y. T. Wang, M. Waters, L. Weir, T. Wijeratne, C. Williams, W. Wilson, A. A. 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Schwamm, Eric Searls, Shlee S. Song, Sidney Starkman, Albert J. Yoo, Ramin Zand

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Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

123 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Patients who have had a stroke with unknown time of onset have been previously excluded from thrombolysis. We aimed to establish whether intravenous alteplase is safe and effective in such patients when salvageable tissue has been identified with imaging biomarkers. Methods: We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data for trials published before Sept 21, 2020. Randomised trials of intravenous alteplase versus standard of care or placebo in adults with stroke with unknown time of onset with perfusion-diffusion MRI, perfusion CT, or MRI with diffusion weighted imaging-fluid attenuated inversion recovery (DWI-FLAIR) mismatch were eligible. The primary outcome was favourable functional outcome (score of 0–1 on the modified Rankin Scale [mRS]) at 90 days indicating no disability using an unconditional mixed-effect logistic-regression model fitted to estimate the treatment effect. Secondary outcomes were mRS shift towards a better functional outcome and independent outcome (mRS 0–2) at 90 days. Safety outcomes included death, severe disability or death (mRS score 4–6), and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage. This study is registered with PROSPERO, CRD42020166903. Findings: Of 249 identified abstracts, four trials met our eligibility criteria for inclusion: WAKE-UP, EXTEND, THAWS, and ECASS-4. The four trials provided individual patient data for 843 individuals, of whom 429 (51%) were assigned to alteplase and 414 (49%) to placebo or standard care. A favourable outcome occurred in 199 (47%) of 420 patients with alteplase and in 160 (39%) of 409 patients among controls (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1·49 [95% CI 1·10–2·03]; p=0·011), with low heterogeneity across studies (I2=27%). Alteplase was associated with a significant shift towards better functional outcome (adjusted common OR 1·38 [95% CI 1·05–1·80]; p=0·019), and a higher odds of independent outcome (adjusted OR 1·50 [1·06–2·12]; p=0·022). In the alteplase group, 90 (21%) patients were severely disabled or died (mRS score 4–6), compared with 102 (25%) patients in the control group (adjusted OR 0·76 [0·52–1·11]; p=0·15). 27 (6%) patients died in the alteplase group and 14 (3%) patients died among controls (adjusted OR 2·06 [1·03–4·09]; p=0·040). The prevalence of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was higher in the alteplase group than among controls (11 [3%] vs two [<1%], adjusted OR 5·58 [1·22–25·50]; p=0·024). Interpretation: In patients who have had a stroke with unknown time of onset with a DWI-FLAIR or perfusion mismatch, intravenous alteplase resulted in better functional outcome at 90 days than placebo or standard care. A net benefit was observed for all functional outcomes despite an increased risk of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage. Although there were more deaths with alteplase than placebo, there were fewer cases of severe disability or death. Funding: None.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1574-1584
Number of pages11
Issue number10262
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2020


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