Influencia de los factores transculturales en las necesidades y diagnósticos de enfermeria de la población inmigrante

Translated title of the contribution: Influence of transcultural factors on immigrants populations' needs and Nursing Diagnosis

Maria Rosa Rifà Ros, Àngels Pallarés Martí

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review


Introduction: The fact of migrations growth states the need for nursing students to acquire new knowledge regarding cultural competence.
Aims: To design nursing multicultural care models in order to offer better quality care, prevention and health education adapted to immigrant populations. To analyse, from the students nurses' perspective within the frame of Nursing and Multiculturality, an optional subject taught during their 3rd year, the immigrants' basic needs and nursing diagnosis.
Methodology: The study was carried out in two phases: exploration by students of paradigmatic cases about migrations by means of case analysis based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) diagnosis from a transcultural perspective; and analysis of results using the program "Win Max 97 pro" to establish conceptual keys.
Results: Three stages were identified in the migration process related with needs and diagnosis: before migrating, on arrival to a country and after consolidating their situation in the country. The analysis of these cases showed that the basic needs identified by Virginia Henderson were not adequately met. Amongst all psychiatric disorders, the Ulises Syndrome stood out as the most relevant problem as a consequence of the difficulties and efforts which caused them to suffer from "chronic stres"
Conclusions: The understanding of social and cultural factors affecting immigrants, together with the analysis of Nursing Intervention Classification (N.I.C.) and Nursing Outcome Classification (N.O.C.), become an essential educational element for the professional development of future nurses facilitating the application of standarised nursing care plans.
Translated title of the contributionInfluence of transcultural factors on immigrants populations' needs and Nursing Diagnosis
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)62-67
Number of pages7
JournalCultura de los Cuidados
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2004


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