Ideological Boundaries of Status Advantages: Legislative Effectiveness in the United States House of Representatives

F. Collet, Gianluca Carnabuci, Gokhan Ertug, Tengjian Zou

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Prior research assumes that high-status actors have greater organizational influence than lower-status ones, that is, it is easier for the former to get their ideas and initiatives adopted by the organization than it is for the latter. Drawing from the literature on ideology, we posit that the status–influence link is contingent on actors’ ideological position. Specifically, status confers organizational influence to the degree that the focal actor is ideologically mainstream. The more an actor’s ideology deviates from the mainstream the less will her status translate into increased organizational influence. We find support for this hypothesis using data on the work of legislators in the House of Representatives in the United States Congress. By illuminating how and under what conditions status leads to increased influence, this study qualifies and extends current understandings of the role of status in organizations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-57
Number of pages23
JournalOrganization Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022


  • Congress
  • ideology
  • influence
  • social capital
  • status


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