Estudio del comportamiento anticorrosivo de recubrimientos cerámicos obtenidos por deposición electroforética

Translated title of the contribution: Study of the anticorrosive behaviour of ceramic coatings obtained by electrophoretic deposition

S. López, J. Abellà, J. Barceló, L. Victori

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) has been used to prepare coatings of ZrO2 on carbon steel and stainless steel 304. A study of the corrosion rate of different samples of carbon steel and stainless steel 304 made on the surface of ceramic coatings of ZrO2, formed by means of EPD, reveals the anticorrosive effect of the thus formed coatings. This fact is observed as a decrease of corrosion rate that can be calculated from the obtention of the Tafel curves. A study of the polarization curves on stainless steel 304 samples covered by ZrO2 let us observe a decrease of current density of the cathodic reaction and this means a reduction of the general corrosion process. The observation by means of scanning electron microscopy of the covered surface will allow verify the uniformity of the electrophoretic deposited layer and the absence of pin holes that lay the metal surface bare.

Translated title of the contributionStudy of the anticorrosive behaviour of ceramic coatings obtained by electrophoretic deposition
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)326-332
Number of pages7
Issue number477
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1998


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