"Encara li dones el pit?" Tabús occidentals envers els usos de la corporalitat en la criança': Tabús occidentals envers els usos de la corporalitat en la criança

Translated title of the contribution: “Are you still breastfeeding?” Western taboos about the uses of corporeality in childraising

Research output: Indexed journal article Article

1 Citation (Scopus)


Women in Catalonia are increasingly breastfeeding their children for longer periods of time. However, past a certain point this practice, said to be beneficial for both mother and baby, is seen as anomalous. Especially after the child’s first birthday, many women who continue to breastfeed are subject to criticism on three grounds: it leads to mother child dependency, it spoils the child, and the act itself is obscene. An analysis of these criticisms and their emic justifications invites us to reflect on the uses of corporality in childrearing, the construction of personhood, and Western taboos
concerning bodies and bodily fluids.
Translated title of the contribution“Are you still breastfeeding?” Western taboos about the uses of corporeality in childraising
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)114-127
Number of pages13
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2013


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