Emerging markets and the shifting wealth of nations

Javier Santiso Guimaras

Research output: Conference paperContribution


The 2010 EABIS Colloquium programme has been shaped through many months of consultation with senior executives, Deans and thought leaders from the EABIS network. As the reader will see below, it blends plenary debates with more intimate breakout discussions and networking platforms. Plenary sessions form the central pillars of the conference. They support an overarching narrative framework about five critical trends in the global economy that are having a profound influence on business reality in Emerging Markets: Shifts in geopolitical power and the changing nature of global governance; Growing importance of sustainability challenges in the wider business environment economic, social, environmental and regulatory; Increasing pressure to transform current business models, strategy design and delivery, and organisational systems and processes; The need for new multi-stakeholder partnerships to effectively deliver solutions and to re-establish trust in business; The war for talent and new skills required to manage the complexity involved in sustainable enterprise.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2010
Externally publishedYes
EventEABIS 9th Annual Colloquium -
Duration: 19 Sept 201022 Sept 2010


ConferenceEABIS 9th Annual Colloquium


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