El desempeño en la empresa familiar: principales factores internos explicativos

A. Gimeno Sandig, Gastón Labadie, F. Mendoza Mayordomo, Willem Egbert Saris

Research output: Book chapterChapter


The authors propose a theorical model to identify the factors that explain the working of a family business with special emphasis on the modelling of factors that affect the family business. The authors approach the analysis from different conceptual focuses on the family business, models of the business anb family life cycle, the effect of time in complexity, and aspects relative to the management of the company and the family business family. In the final part, the authors study the ideologic concept of the business and syntheise the explanatory model of performance for this type of business.
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationEl patrimonio familiar, profesional y empresarial. Sus protocolos: constitución, gestión, responsabilidad, continuidad y tributación. Tomo VI. Estrategias de gobierno, continuidad y expansión de la empresa familiar
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2005

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