El análisis por segmentos de población insatisfecha: una propuesta para optimizar la información de las encuestas de satisfacción global

Emilia Sánchez Ruiz, Josefina Caminal Homar, Anna Schiafino

Research output: Indexed journal article Article


To propose a type of analysis for overall satisfaction surveys which allows for the identification of both unsatisfied population and dissatisfaction factors.
Observational, cross-sectional study (survey) on satisfaction for the population from a Basic Health Care Unit (BHCU). The target population (n = 622) was the user population aged 14 or more from a random sample (n = 1000) of people attending a BHCU. The GAAH’s Consumer Satisfaction Survey, by Davis and Ware, 1988 version, completed during home interview carried out at home, was used. Outcome variables were overall satisfaction, by factors (physician, nurse, reception and habitat) and by dimensions (accessibility, structure, personal manners, information, technical quality and continuity of care), presented as scores ranging from 0 to 100 after transformation by means of an attitudinal Likert scale. Identification of dissatisfaction was done categorising the studied population in two groups according with overall satisfaction figures for percentiles 25th (p25) and 50th (p50). Statistical analysis included comparison of subpopulations proportions and means, with their confidence intervals, and Scheffé multiple comparisons. Association between overall satisfaction and social and demographic variables was assessed by log regression.
Overall satisfaction scores: 70.8 (users), 62.8 (p50) and 58.2 (p25). Reception scores: 60.1 (users), 48.2 (p50) and 41.1 (p25). Accessibility scores: 62.0 (users), 52.0 (p50) and 46.8 (p25) (p < 0.05 with regard to other factors/dimensions in all subgroups).
Profile for users population: women, older than 64, retired or housewives, and from low social classes. Profile for unsatisfied population: women, 25-44 year-old, with secondary school level, active workers, from medium social classes, and seldom users of health services.
Factors related with dissatisfaction: age 25-44 (OR = 4.2 [p50] and OR = 4.1 [p25], p < 0.05). An inverse trend for age and dissatisfaction (p < 0.001) was observed.
The analysis of overall satisfaction surveys by segments of unsatisfied population give expressed information from population with a high level of definition and variability margins. The median (50th percentile) as cut-off-point seems useful for identifying the unsatisfied population and dissatisfaction factors sensitive to be improved. Thus, results obtained with this analysis show that young people are the most unsatisfied one and accessibility/reception is the dimension/factor associated with higher scores in dissatisfaction.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)4-10
Number of pages7
JournalRevista de Calidad Asistencial
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002


  • User Satisfaction
  • Primary health care
  • Satisfaction questionnaire
  • Dissatisfaction factors

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