Effects of Specific Training on the Ability to Deal with Cultural References in Translation

Christopher Scott-Tennent, María González Davies

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this empirical study (carried out as part of a wider research project - see “Credits” below) was to discover the effects of specifically designed pre-service translator training on the trainees' ability to deal with cultural references, a text segment type which is widely considered as potentially problematic for the translator.1 Specifically, we set out to discover any significant differences, as a result of said training, in trainees' ability to: (a) detect cultural references within a text, (b) provide multiple feasible options (variants) to translate them, (c) evaluate those potential options, and (d) apply reasoning in making a final choice from the options. The rationale and nature of the specific training involved has already been extensively reported in González Davies and Scott-Tennent (2005). In the present article, we focus our attention on reporting and discussing its observed effects. The design of the specific training drew heavily on a previous study on specific translator training in problem-solving, reported in Scott-Tennent et al. (2000) and González Davies et al. (2001).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)782-797
Number of pages16
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2008


  • cultural references
  • problem-solving
  • socio-constructivism
  • translation training
  • written protocols


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