Education, Research and Innovation in Spain: Job Placement Thanks to Dual Professional Training

Research output: Indexed journal article Meeting Abstractpeer-review

1 Citation (Web of Science)


Dual Professional Training (from now on, Dual FP, from Spanish Formacion Profesional) is an innovative educational formula in Spain that makes it easier for students to reconcile studies and work in the company. In this quantitative and qualitative research, we analyze the opinion and motivation of Spanish companies when adopting and implementing this model in conjunction with educational centers, focusing on the labor insertion after training, the remuneration model and the formula choice of students. As an integrating mechanism and permanent renewal in the relationship between the educational and business environment, Dual FP is perceived as a motor of competitiveness and specialization of companies. Socially responsible recruitment of specialized profiles drives companies when they tackle Dual FP initiatives. It is concluded that 70% of the companies showed their willingness to hire students who had successfully completed their training, that 68% of the companies implementing the Dual FP model established the training-professional relationship with the trainees through a remunerated scholarship, and that the shared management between educational centers and companies in carrying out the process of student choice was the right way.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-176
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Dual Professional Training
  • Education and Work
  • Enterprise and Training
  • Job Placement
  • Student Choice


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