Collaborative relationships between manufacturers and retailers: A supply chain collaboration framework

Research output: Conference paperContribution


The main objective of this study is to develop a framework for supply chain collaboration between manufacturers and retailers, which includes managerial, behavioural and technical issues. It is claimed that collaborative relationships yield significant benefits in areas like the management of both the private label and national brand. However, supply chain collaboration has proved difficult to achieve and one of the reasons is a lack of understanding of the elements that make up supply chain collaboration. An exploratory multiple case study was carried out in the Spanish Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry, examining both retailers and manufacturers from a dyadic approach. From the different elements included in the supply chain collaboration model, the results seem to indicate that the ones used most are related to the design of the collaborative initiative and the behavioural aspects related to inter-organisational relationships (trust and mutuality) and human resources (longevity and informal cross-functional team working).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2017
Event4th International Conference on Research on National Brand & Private Label Marketing (NB&PL2017) -
Duration: 28 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


Conference4th International Conference on Research on National Brand & Private Label Marketing (NB&PL2017)


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