CHAPTER 4: Photodynamic Therapy

Cormac Hally, Beatriz Rodríguez-Amigo, Roger Bresolí-Obach, Oriol Planas, Jaume Nos, Ester Boix-Garriga, Rubén Ruiz-González, Santi Nonell

Research output: Book chapterChapterpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Photodynamic therapy is a clinical technique for the treatment of cancers, microbial infections and other medical conditions by means of light-induced generation of reactive oxygen species using photosensitising drugs. The intrinsic fluorescence of many such drugs make them potential theranostic agents for simultaneous diagnosis and therapy. This chapter reviews the basic chemical and biological aspects of photodynamic therapy with an emphasis on its applications in theranostics. The roles of nanotechnology is highlighted, as well as emerging trends such as photoimmunotherapy, image-guided surgery and light-and singlet-oxygen dosimetry.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDrug Discovery for Leishmaniasis
EditorsMaya Thanou
PublisherRoyal Society of Chemistry
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameRSC Drug Discovery Series
ISSN (Print)2041-3203
ISSN (Electronic)2041-3211


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