Celebrating the 95th birthday of Professor Karl S. Pister Part 1. Biography and tributes

Alice Agogino, Mark Austin, Pamela Eibeck, Ramm Ekkehard, Carlos Felippa, Billie Greene, Paula Hawthorn, Thmas J.R. Hughes, Sheila Humphreys, Constance Barbara Luetolf-Carroll, Lola Martin Atilano, Gary May, J. Tinsley Oden, Darryll Pines, Peter Pinsky, Barbara Simons, Brant Smith, Stein Sture, Antoinette Torres, Loc Vu-Quoc

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


My Tribute to Prof. Karl S. Pister is part of a special edition of Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences published by TechScience (https://www.techscience.com/journal/CMES). Professor Pister is a legend at UC Berkeley. He was appointed Dean of the College of Engineering in 1980, and held the position for ten years. From 1991-1996, he served as Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz. Pister is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (1980), Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Recipient of the Berkeley Medal (1996) and the Presidential Medal of the University of California (2000). In 2006, he was named Cal Alumnus of the Year by the California Alumni Association.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationCMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021
Externally publishedYes


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