Business adaptation strategies to climate change: A systematic review

Giuseppe Danese*, Valentina De Marchi

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Indexed journal article Reviewpeer-review


Climate change pressures businesses to adapt, but knowledge on adaptation strategies remains fragmented. This systematic literature review addresses this gap by advancing the adaptation field in three ways. First, it expands the conceptualization of business adaptation strategies through a novel classification based on depth, time, locus, and tactic. Second, it identifies five key determinants influencing adaptation decisions: regulatory and stakeholder pressures, industry specificities, business network features, organizational capabilities, and individual characteristics. Finally, the review proposes a comprehensive framework with three tiers: 1) determinants at various levels, 2) types of adaptation strategies, and 3) adaptation impacts. This framework offers novel research avenues for scholarship and enables a more nuanced assessment of the impact of adaptation strategies. Additionally, a 'reverse roadmap' is proposed to help practitioners and policymakers navigate from desired adaptation outcomes back to current choices, increasing resilience while limiting maladaptation risks.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144322
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Publication statusPublished - 25 Dec 2024


  • Adaptation strategies
  • Business adaptation
  • Climate change risks
  • Climate vulnerability
  • Maladaptation


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