BMW: True passion for design

Research output: Case study


The BMW Group is a German automotive company that was founded in 1916. In 2012 it was one of the leading premium car producers in the world. Each of its brands BMW, MINI, and Rolce Royce had a premium image. This case explains how design is thought of and applied in BMW and DesignWorks USA. It shows the circumstances that surround the group in 2012 by giving industry trends, and challenges, and explaining the main competitors. By conducting various in depth interviews with Laurenz Schaffer, CEO of BMW DesignWorks USA, and Niko von Saurma, Director of DesignWorks Munich studio, the cases illustrates how BMW uses design to differentiate from its competitors and is able to achieve an competitive advantage. Furthermore the case presents the unique design consultancy DesignWorks and explains why it was voted one of the most innovative firms in 2010. The case ends with an explanation jow Niko von Saurma tries to stay ahead of his competition and keeps coming up with innovative ideas.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2013


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