Attention Allocation and Emerging Ecological Adversity in Collaborative Governance Organizations

Lucie Baudoin, F. Collet, D. Arenas

Research output: Indexed journal article Conference articlepeer-review


To foster the resilience of Social-Ecological Systems (SES), governance structures must pay timely attention to emerging ecological adversity. Past research shows that both public and private organizations can be slow to acknowledge such threat. Collaborative governance organizations may be more adaptive, but their attention capacity is constrained. We seek to uncover the conditions that foster or hinder collaborative governance organizations allocating attention toward ecological adversity. Specifically, we study attention to ecological adversity in the context of French river basin committees, examining meeting minutes over almost 30 years using natural language processing methods.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2023 - Boston, United States
Duration: 4 Aug 20238 Aug 2023


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