Areas of innovation in cities: The evolution of 22@Barcelona

Josep Miquel Pique, Francesc Miralles, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Areas of innovation (AOIs) are on the agenda of urban planners in the revitalisation of inner cities. The knowledge-based economy provides the opportunity to base these revitalisation efforts in creating AOIs as an evolution of the old industrial districts. Grounded in key conceptual frameworks in this research field – triple helix model, knowledge-based urban development paradigm, clusters of innovation framework, co-evolutionary theory, learning region theory and lifecycle of a new venture – as a reference, this work contributes to the existing literature by proposing a comprehensive model for the evolution of AOIs from inception to maturity. Using a case research study approach, the 22@Barcelona case, an AOI that transformed an old industrial district into a knowledge-based one, allows to analyse its evolution and to elaborate a model. Academic value stems from a new theorising effort of the evolution of AOIs. Urban planners benefit by getting additional clues in the revitalisation of cities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-25
Number of pages23
JournalInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • 22@Barcelona
  • Areas of innovation
  • Clusters of innovation
  • Co-evolution
  • Ecosystems of innovation
  • Innovation districts
  • Knowledge cities
  • Knowledge-based urban development
  • Lifecycle
  • Science parks
  • Triple helix


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