An Investigation on the Impact of Business Intelligence over the Performance of Startup Companies according to Innovation and Knowledge Management as Mediators

Farzad Nazari, Seyedeh Safiyeh Taghavi, Esmaeil Valizadeh, Mehrdad Soleymani, Danial Shahrabi Farahani, Raana Bagheri*

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Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Value-Originality. Startup companies look for solutions to remove useless issues and enhance the activities offering value adding over the product/service development stage in such a way that such companies will be able to provide great products and more probabilities for success with no need to employ considerable investments from external sources. Accordingly, innovation, business intelligence, and knowledge management will contribute to the positive findings of startup companies. Objectives. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to conduct an investigation on the impact of business intelligence over the performance of startup companies according to such mediators as innovation and knowledge management. Methods. The type of this study is correlation and is also an applied and descriptive-survey work regarding objective and data gathering. Our statistical population encompassed all related experts and managers in the following Iranian startups: Pinket, Alibaba, Snapp, Filimo, IDPay, PhonePay, TapSell, and Body Spinner. Our sample was composed of 108 experts and managers in mentioned companies, who were chosen based on the cluster sampling method. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach was used to analyze the gathered data. Findings. Our results reveal the effectiveness of business intelligence, innovation, and knowledge management on the performance of startups and that of business intelligence on innovation and knowledge management. Ultimately, innovation and knowledge management are mediators of the relationship between business intelligence and performance of startups. Conclusion. The startup companies' managers are strongly recommended to take advantage of innovation and knowledge management in order to enhance the performance of their businesses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3834696
JournalMathematical Problems in Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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