Anàlisi de l'estacionalitat, preus i característiques dels càmpings a Catalunya: posicionament de la marca Costa Brava-Pirineus de Girona

Teresa Fernández, A. Salo Mayolas

Research output: BookOfficial report


First Prize "Camping Association of Gerona" rewards a research on this important sector of tourism in order to strengthen it. The paper analyzes the evolution of supply and demand behavior of the sector in recent years as well as a detailed description of seasonality. Furthermore, explained some of the external determinants (income per capita, relative prices and exchange rates) that affect demand as most important nationalities. Finally, we conducted a study on pricing and features campsites in Catalonia in 2009 with special emphasis on positioning the Costa Brava and Pyrenees in the county of Girona through hedonic pricing techniques.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages57
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2010


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