A qualitative learning system to acquire human sensory abilities in adjustment tasks

N. Agell, Cecilio Angulo Bahón, Francisco Javier Ruiz Vegas, Mònica Sánchez Soler

Research output: Conference paperContribution


Adjustment in creative processes is not purely a functional or a physical task, but arise from highly subjective preceptive and cognitive aspects which cannot be fully modeled by standard quantitative structures. In such tasks, the involvement of human experts becomes necessary, preventing the complete process automation. This paper introduces an innovative artificial cognitive system to support decision-making in adjustment processes based on human sensory abilities. The proposed system, based on expert knowledge management, draws on a machine learning tool jointly with an actions' generator module. The methodology proposed is applied to a real case study: color-adjustment in the automotive painting industry.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2012
Event26th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2012) -
Duration: 16 Jul 201218 Jul 2012


Conference26th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2012)


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