A prospective analysis of the association between dietary fiber intake and prostate cancer risk in EPIC

Reiko Suzuki, Naomi E. Allen, Timothy J. Key, Paul N. Appleby, Anne Tjønneland, Nina Føns Johnsen, Majken K. Jensen, Kim Overvad, Heiner Boeing, Tobias Pischon, Rudolf Kaaks, Sabine Rohrmann, Antonia Trichopoulou, Gesthimani Misirli, Dimitrios Trichopoulos, H. Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, Fränzel Van Duijnhoven, Carlotta Sacerdote, Valeria Pala, Domenico PalliRosario Tumino, Eva Ardanaz, José Ramón Quirós, Nerea Larrañaga, Maria José Sánchez, María José Tormo, Paula Jakszyn, Ingegerd Johansson, Pär Stattin, Göran Berglund, Jonas Manjer, Sheila Bingham, Kay Tee Khaw, Lars Egevad, Pietro Ferrari, Mazda Jenab, Elio Riboli

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

32 Citations (Scopus)


Few studies have examined the association between dietary fiber intake and prostate cancer risk. We evaluated the association between dietary fiber intake and the risk of prostate cancer among 142,590 men in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPlC). Consumption of dietary fiber (total, cereal, fruit and vegetable fiber) was estimated by validated dietary questionnaires and calibrated using 24-hr dietary recalls. Incidence rate ratios were estimated using Cox regression and adjusted for potential confounding factors. During an average of 8.7 years follow-up, prostate cancer was diagnosed in 2,747 men. Overall, there was no association between dietary fiber intake (total, cereal, fruit or vegetable fiber) and prostate cancer risk, although calibrated intakes of total fiber and fruit fiber were associated with nonstatistically significant reductions in risk. There was no association between fiber derived from cereals or vegetables and risk and no evidence for heterogeneity in any of the risk estimates by stage or grade of disease. Our results suggest that dietary fiber intake is not associated with prostate cancer risk.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-249
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Cancer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Dietary fiber
  • EPIC
  • Prospective
  • Prostate cancer


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