Envisioning a New Governance Architecture for a Global Europe

Project: Research GrantsResearch

Project Details


The EU-funded ENGAGE project will bring together a consortium of expertise in the EU’s external action to advance goals that are aligned with the European Commission’s push for a stronger and more united European voice in the world. It will focus on how the EU – both the institutions and its Member States – can effectively and sustainably harness all of its tools in a joined-up external action alongside the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) to meet key strategic challenges. The work of the project will lead to a White Paper for joined-up, coherent, sustainable, and effective external action as well as help inspire an inclusive and representative EU-wide conversation.
Effective start/end date1/01/2130/06/24


  • European Commission: €409,805.00


  • Coherence
  • International Organizations
  • Global Strategy


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