Zwitterionic functionalized poly(beta-aminoester) polymers and uses thereof

Salvador Borrós Gómez (Autor), Cristina Fornaguera Puigvert (Autor), Coral García-Fernández (Autor)

Producció científica: PatentPatent (prioritària)Investigació


The invention provides a poly(beta-aminoester) polymer of formula (I) or a pharmaceutically salt thereof which comprises one or more zwitterionic polymers. Advantageously, the polymer of the invention shows improved properties when formulated in the form of nanoparticles.The invention also provides processes for the preparation of the polymer, nanoparticles comprising this polymer and uses thereof.
Idioma originalAnglès
Nombre de patentEP4166594A1
IPCC08G 63/685,C09D 4/06,A61K 38/00,A01N 43/00,C09D 166/07
Data de prioritat14/10/21
Data de presentació14/10/21
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 19 d’abr. 2023


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