The 'technology adoption life cycle model' as a core concept in explaining the impact of web based technologies on HR efficiency and effectiveness

Christian Acosta Flamma, Simon Landau Dolan, V. Sierra

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This paper explores the usefulness of analysing firm's performance from a combination of web-based human resource view and strategic human resource characteristics. In addressing issues pertaining to HR efficiency, HR effectiveness, and bottom-line results, the Technology Adoption Life Cycle (TALC) model (Moore, 2001) is introduced and implemented. The latter helps to classify HR practitioner's adoption behaviour along the 'TALC' continuum where HR functions and the web-based HRMS are classified. This classification facilitates a better understanding of the relationship that HR information technology and strategic HR issues bare. These web-based HRMS applications are then used to highlight the new strategic HR options, which naturally emerge from the potential synergy of combining Strategy, HR functions and IT perspective. Due to the conceptual and operational complexity of defining and measuring HR efficiency and HR effectiveness in assessing the HR contribution to the organisations bottom-line, the multiple linkages that might explain this phenomenon will be presented.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 19 de maig 2005
Esdeveniment5th International Workshop on Human Resource Management -
Durada: 19 de maig 200521 de maig 2005


Conferència5th International Workshop on Human Resource Management


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