The governance impact of a changing investor landscape

R. Aguilera Vaqués, Kurt A. Desender, Jun Ho Lee, Mónica López-Puertas Lamy

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

42 Cites (Scopus)


Within the backdrop of comparative corporate governance research, we draw on the managerial reporting and impression management literatures to examine how the type, level, and nature of foreign shareholders, infused with their own governance logic, influence initial managerial earnings optimism and how foreign ownership shapes earnings guidance in a stakeholder-oriented setting. Drawing on Japanese data, and addressing endogeneity concerns, our results show that under the presence of foreign owners, managers are more optimistic in their initial earnings forecasts, but that in subsequent revisions they are more likely to provide timely adjustments of their earnings forecast and avoid making last-minute adjustments. This research illustrates how foreign practices travel across borders and contributes to understanding triggers to governance and strategic changes.
Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)195-221
RevistaJournal of International Business Studies
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de febr. 2017


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