The Global Integrative Module: Training future managers¿ knowledge integration, multicultural and social responsibility competences

Josep Lluís Cano Giner, Ana Iñesta Codina, Josep Francesc Mària Serrano, Rosario Rovira Llobera, Josep Sayeras Maspera, Ricard Serlavós Serra, Maika Melina Valencia Silva

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The current socio-economic environment, rising globalization and ICT advances mean that management professionals must face a complex, multicultural, competitive, and flexible labor market which requires continuous learning. Such demands render traditional teaching methods obsolete and invite business schools to adapt their curricula and educational practices to train future competent managers. The Global Integrative Module (henceforth GIM) aims to respond to this challenge by offering an international innovative learning experience lead by ESADE, and with the participation of students from three business school partners: NYU Stern School of Business, SDA Bocconi and Sogang University. To do so, it proposes a competence-based module, in which students work together in multicultural teams via an online learning eplatform to present a solution to a challenge of social impact. This paper will present the results obtained regarding the effectiveness of the GIM as an environment capable of equipping students with the knowledge and competencies necessary to confront the challenges of the current professional environment. The collection of quantitative and qualitative data will consider both the contribution of the GIM project to students¿ learning of what the challenge required from them, and the stakeholders perceptions with regards to the effectiveness of the GIM. Our initial assumptions are that the GIM project will offer an effective environment capable of training future responsible managers, allowing students to develop creative and intercultural competences as they take managerial decisions in their future careers. Furthermore, we assume that the learning task presented by the GIM will give students the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the type of contribution that companies can make in tackling social problems.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 22 d’oct. 2012
EsdevenimentXLIX Asamblea Anual CLADEA 2014 -
Durada: 22 d’oct. 20124 de nov. 2014


ConferènciaXLIX Asamblea Anual CLADEA 2014


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