The geographic scope paradox: Global mindsets in a world of regional multinationals

Rafael Lucea, L. Vives

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This paper uses paradox as a vehicle to convey the need for a better informed view of the relationship between managerial mindsets and the geographic scope of firms. The paradox emerges when we compare the insights offered by the 'Global Mindsets' literature, and the 'Regional Multinationals' literature. While the 'Global Mindsets' literature emphasizes the need of 'global managers' to navigate a highly, interconnected world, the 'Regional Multinationals' literature portrays how MNEs cluster their activities in regions, focusing mostly in their home-region. Our findings contribute to explain whether managerial orientation has an influence in the geographic scope of the firms, and to assess if mindset differences across regions can affect the talent sourcing with the current or intended geographic scope of the firm.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 25 de juny 2011
Esdeveniment8th Annual Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Paper Development Workshop (PDW), Nagoya 2011 -
Durada: 25 de juny 201125 de juny 2011


Conferència8th Annual Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Paper Development Workshop (PDW), Nagoya 2011


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