Synthesis, optical absorption and photophysical properties of cone-shaped subnaphthalocyanine

Santi Nonell, Noemi Rubio, Belen Del Rey, Tomás Torres

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

45 Cites (Scopus)


The first photophysical studies of a member of the family of subnaphthalocyanines are described. The one-shaped unsubstituted subnaphthalocyanine, synthesized in 35% yield, provides it with distinctive photophysical properties that are better than those of the related planar phthalo- and naphthalocyanines. SubNc absorbs in the red part of the spectrum, has substantial fluorescence, φF = 0.22, and, significantly for photodynamic therapy applications, triplet and singlet oxygen quantum yields, φT = φΔ = 0.68, that are substantially higher than those of the related phthalo and naphthalocyanines. These results, together with their synthetic availability, high solubility, and low tendency to aggregate, make this new class of sensitisers amenable to being further studied with a view to finding photodynamic therapy applications.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)1091-1094
Nombre de pàgines4
RevistaJournal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de juny 2000


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