Slotted circularly polarized microstrip antenna for RFID application

Sanjeev Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Ravi Kumar, Jaume Anguera, Aurora Andujar

    Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

    31 Cites (Scopus)


    A single layer coaxial fed rectangular microstrip slotted antenna for circular polarization (CP) is proposed for radio frequency identification (RFID) application. Two triangular shaped slots and one rectangular slot along the diagonal axis of a square patch have been embedded. Due to slotted structure along the diagonal axis and less surface area, good quality of circular polarization has been obtained with the reduction in the size of microstrip antenna by 4.04%. Circular polarization radiation performance has been studied by size and angle variation of diagonally slotted structures. The experimental result found for 10 dB return loss is 44 MHz with 10 MHz of 3 dB Axial Ratio (AR) bandwidth respectively at the resonant frequency 910 MHz. The overall proposed antenna size including the ground plane is 80 × 80 × 4.572 mm3.

    Idioma originalAnglès
    Pàgines (de-a)1025-1032
    Nombre de pàgines8
    Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de des. 2017


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