Role of design on brand building. Evaluating design dimensions of branding elements, managers and design experts reactions

Eliane Cristine Francisco-Maffezzolli, I. Moll de Alba Mendoza, J. Montaña Matosas

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The main objective of this study is to define what means a good design, how it can be measured and reflect brand identity as a key aspect of branding strategy. According to this, web, logo and product design were measured considering three dimensions: credibility, expressivity and functionality. The methodological design was defined by a quantitative approach with 58 Spanish companies considering small and medium segments from variety industries. The results offer insights about what mostly affects a good design and also reveal critical differences about managers and design experts perceptions. Authors also advise research limitations and future developments.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 5 d’abr. 2011
Esdeveniment7th Global Brand Conference 2011 -
Durada: 4 d’abr. 20117 d’abr. 2011


Conferència7th Global Brand Conference 2011


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