Rasgos de personalidad y burnout en médicos de familia

J. Cebrià, J. Segura, S. Corbella, P. Sos, O. Comas, M. García, C. Rodríguez, M. J. Pardo, J. Pérez

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

42 Cites (Scopus)


OBJECTIVE: With this research we try to study personality traits that could be associated with high punctuation at burnout scales (Maslach Burnout Inventory) in primary care physicians. DESIGN: Observational, descriptive, transversal. STUDY SETTING: 93 primary care centres in Barcelona-city and the northern province's region: Vallès Oriental, Vallès Occidental, Maresme, Osona, Bages and Berguedà (centre sanitary region). METHOD: Individual or collective direct interview to 528 primary care physicians. Three questionnaires were administrated: a sociodemographic item one, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and the Cattell personality test 16-PF. RESULTS: The 40% of the interviewed physicians had some burnout symptoms without any difference between sexes. 12.4% of these showed very high burnout levels. Those subjects with burnout criteria punctuated different at stability, tension and vigilance traits and anxiety dimension. CONCLUSION: Some personality traits like low stability, the tension and the anxiety are associated with high punctuation of burnout.

Títol traduït de la contribucióPersonality traits and burnout in family doctors
Idioma originalCastellà
Pàgines (de-a)459-468
Nombre de pàgines10
RevistaAtencion Primaria
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 30 d’abr. 2001


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