Post-COVID-19 Impairment of the Senses of Smell, Taste, Hearing, and Balance

Sonja Ludwig, Angela Schell, Michelle Berkemann, Frederic Jungbauer, Lena Zaubitzer, Lena Huber, Christian Warken, Valentin Held, Alexander Kusnik, Andreas Teufel, Matthias Ebert, Nicole Rotter

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

21 Cites (Scopus)


Background: Various symptoms have been associated with COVID-19, but little is known about the impacts of COVID-19 on the sensory system, risk factors, and the duration of symptoms. This study assesses olfactory, gustatory, hearing, and vestibular systems after COVID-19. Methods: This cross-sectional, single-center study involved 50 patients one to six months after COVID-19 and reports their patient records and the extent, onset, and duration of olfactory, gustatory, hearing, and balance disorders using questionnaires during and after COVID-19. Sensory symptoms were objectively studied using the following clinical tests after COVID-19 Sniffin’ Sticks, taste tests, tone/speech audiometry, and video head impulse test. Results: Post-COVID-19-patients were suffering from olfactory and gustatory impairment for up to six months. According to the Dizziness Handicap Inventory, balance disorders were less noticed: Overall, about 40% of the patients during COVID-19 and nearly all patients recovered within six months. After COVID-19, clinical tests revealed that 75% were suffering from hyposomnia/anosmia, and 20% of all patients reported mild hypogeusia for up to six months. Vestibular disorders and hearing impairment rarely/did not occur. Females were significantly more affected by sensory impairments than males. Conclusions: COVID-19 particularly caused olfactory and gustatory impairment; balance disorders were present too; vestibular and auditory symptoms were negligible.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article849
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de maig 2022
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