Persuasive design: Why product design may appeal to customers

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


Recent studies have pointed at branding as an important source of sustainable competitive advantages. The reason given concerns the emotional attachment to the symbols and name of the brand. However a study conducted by Kristensen et al. find that when comparing product and logo design and company performance a stronger and positive link is found between product and company performance rather than logo and company performance. The paper is an attempt to explore why product design can be more important than the symbol of communication design.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 12 de març 2009
Esdeveniment3rd International Conference on Rethoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR 2011) -
Durada: 12 de març 200914 de març 2009


Conferència3rd International Conference on Rethoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR 2011)


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