Perspectieven op veranderen [Perspectives on organizational change]

Kilian M. Bennebroek Gravenhorst, de Caluwé Léon, Rob van Es, Deanne den Hartog, Vermaak Hans, Henk Volberda, André Wierdsma, Jacobus Jan Boonstra (???researchoutput.roles.bookanthology.editor???)

Producció científica: Llibre


There is no single best way of changing organizations and many change efforts don't achieve the intended outcome. This book offers concepts and tools for leaders, project managers and consultants to make sense of organizational change and development. All stages in the development process are covered from the idea that organizational change is not an organized tour, but an adventure that can only be succesfull by collaboration between people who are willing to take risks.
Idioma originalNeerlandès
Nombre de pàgines296
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 d’abr. 2018

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