Personas mayores

Enrique Ricardo Bartlett Castella, Maria Josep Juan-Torres Carceller

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítol


The contribution aims to assess the main problems detected from complaints that citizens lodge in the Ombudsman office in relation to the social services network for elderly people. At the same time, a few comments and proposals floated in order to improve the care received by such persons. In this sense, the text particularly studies the aid needs for updating homes infrastructure, home aid and day centers, in order to keep the elder people, as much time as possible, in their houses. Following that, the mechanisms in public administrations hands to give to know the services available to potential users, as well as to detect people individual needs. The contribution also assesses the risk of inadequate answers to those needs, as a result of imbalances in the portfolio of available services. To conclude the paper ends with considerations in relation to the amount of pensions pay, changes in the social structure in relation to older people and the changing role of the family in caring them.
Idioma originalCatalà
Títol de la publicacióXIV Jornadas de Coordinación entre Defensores del Pueblo
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2000

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