Nursing student learning of biosciences through movies and concept maps: A mixed study

Francisca Ruiz Mata, Lidia Fernández-Donaire, Olga Canet-Velez, Jordi Torralbas-Ortega, Meritxell Sastre-Rus, Judith Roca

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

5 Cites (Scopus)


Background: acquisition of bioscience knowledge is challenging for nursing students. This calls for teaching methodologies that allow them to acquire this knowledge and add value in the nursing context. Objective: to evaluate a teaching experience using a movie clip and the collaborative use of C-Maps in first-year bioscience learning in nursing students. Design: embedded mixed methods study. Participants: 143 students. Methods: data were collected in two phases: first, collecting quantitative data through a questionnaire on utility, satisfaction and perceived competency development, and collecting qualitative data on learning, teaching materials and developed competencies through an open-question instrument. The second phase consisted of a focus group to explore in greater depth learning experience. Results: six themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: using C-Maps as a learning process; developing group competencies; knowledge integration and transfer; teacher-student relationship; art as a didactic support; and difficulties encountered and proposals for improvement. Regarding utility, the students highlighted learning and relating concepts. Elements of satisfaction were working in small groups and having the teacher as a guide. Finally, the competencies most developed were teamwork and learning ability. Conclusion: the combination of a movie clip and a C-Map is an innovative strategy motivating and valuable for learning biosciences.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article105480
RevistaNurse Education Today
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - d’oct. 2022


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