Numerical study of supercontinuum generation using noise-like pulses in standard fibre

J. P. Lauterio-Cruz, J. C. Hernandez-Garcia, O. Pottiez, Y. E. Bracamontes-Rodriguez, H. E. Ibarra Villalón, O. S. Torres-Munoz, E. Garcia-Sánchez, M. Cano-Lara, H. Rostro-González

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

5 Cites (Scopus)


In this paper, we carry out a numerical study of supercontinuum generation (SCG) by propagating hundreds of noise-like pulses (NLPs), produced by a figure-eight laser (F8L) model, through different lengths of standard single-mode fibre (SMF). This work confirms the results of our previous experimental study (Lauterio-Cruz et al 2017 Laser Phys. 27 065107), highlighting the interest in using NLPs as a pump for SCG in cheap optical fibres. Using moderate peak powers (∼100 W) we obtain broad and smooth SC spectra extending over hundreds of nm towards longer wavelengths. In order to simulate the fibre attenuation out of the telecommunication window, we propose a rudimentary approximation of the attenuation spectrum for SMF.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article095106
RevistaLaser Physics
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de set. 2018
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