Noise radiated from a periodically stiffened cylindrical shell excited by a turbulent boundary layer

Laurent Maxit, Oriol Guasch, Valentin Meyer, Mahmoud Karimi

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

27 Cites (Scopus)


This work proposes a semi-analytical method to model the vibroacoustic behavior of submerged cylindrical shells periodically stiffened by axisymmetric frames and excited by a homogeneous and fully developed turbulent boundary layer (TBL). The process requires the computation of the TBL wall-pressure cross spectral density function and the sensitivity functions for stiffened cylindrical shells. The former is deduced from an existent TBL model and the latter are derived from a wavenumber-point reciprocity principle and a spectral formulation of the problem. The stiffeners' dynamic behavior is introduced in the formulation through circumferential admittances that are computed by a standard finite element code using shell elements. Four degrees of freedom are taken into account for the coupling between the shell and the stiffeners: three translation directions and one tangential rotation. To investigate the effect of the stiffeners on the radiated noise, two case studies are considered. The first one examines a fluid-loaded cylindrical shell with regularly spaced simple supports. The influence of Bloch-Floquet waves and the support spacing on the noise radiation are highlighted. The second case study inspects the fluid-loaded cylindrical shell with two different periodic ring stiffeners, namely stiffeners with T-shaped and I-shaped cross-sections. Their influence on the vibroacoustics of the shell is thoroughly analyzed.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article115016
RevistaJournal of Sound and Vibration
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 3 de febr. 2020


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