No hay mal que por bien no venga

Producció científica: Article en revista no indexadaArticle


We have just lived through our second Christmas in a period of crisis and we can now begin to talk about a learning process. A few weeks ago, we presented the second report issued by the ESADE Consumer Observatory. Beyond the numbers, we are interested in highlighting two major sociological trends observed in this second year of crisis, which some experts have called 'the era of consequences'. On the one hand, consumers have learned to search for, compare and find the channel that offers the best conditions in terms of value for money; and not just price. On the other hand, the report highlights a second major trend, this time towards responsibility.
Idioma originalAnglès
Publicació especialitzadaSavia. Revista de Economía y Gestión de Viajes
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de febr. 2010


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