New framework and mechanisms of context-aware service composition in the future internet

Alberto J. Gonzalez, Ramon Martin De Pozuelo, Martin German, Jesus Alcober, Francesc Pinyol

    Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

    9 Cites (Scopus)


    The ongoing proliferation of new services, applications, and contents is leading the Internet to an architectural crisis owing to its inability to provide efficient solutions to new requirements. Clean-slate architectures for the future Internet offer a new approach to tackle current and future challenges. This proposal introduces a novel clean-slate architecture in which the TCP/IP protocol stack is decoupled in basic functionalities, that is, atomic services (ASs). A negotiation protocol, which enables context-aware service discovery for providing adapted communications, is also specified. Then, we present how ASs can be discovered and composed according to requesters' requirements. In addition, a media service provisioning use case shows the benefits of our framework. Finally, a proof-of-concept implementation of the framework is described and analyzed. This paper describes the first clean-slate architecture aligned with the work done within the ISO/IEC Future Network working group.

    Idioma originalAnglès
    Pàgines (de-a)7-17
    Nombre de pàgines11
    RevistaETRI Journal
    Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de febr. 2013


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