Multiple dimensions of brand identification. Exploring new links among consumer and brands

Eliane Cristine Francisco-Maffezzolli, Isabel Moll de Alba Mendoza, Jordi Montaña Matosas, Paulo Henrique Muller Prado

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The objective of this study is to explore new links among consumer and brands though brand identification dimensions, supported by Social Identity Theory and by Self-Congruity Theory. The methodological design was defined by tree steps in order to test the measurement model. 780 people were investigated in the last step about four brands in the Brazilian automobile industry. Major findings reveal four dimensions of brand identification: cognitive, affective, evaluative and behavioral, supported by a second order factor analysis, and emphasizes its importance to brand preference. These findings suggest company advantages when consumers are able to identify themselves with a brand.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 4 d’abr. 2011
Esdeveniment7th Global Brand Conference 2011 -
Durada: 4 d’abr. 20117 d’abr. 2011


Conferència7th Global Brand Conference 2011


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