Motivating Public Employees

M. Esteve Laporta, Christian Schuster

Producció científica: LlibreAvaluat per experts

33 Cites (Scopus)


What motivates public employees to work hard? This Element systematically reviews answers from public administration research. The authors locate this research in a novel two-dimensional typology, which shows that public employees can be motivated for other- and self-interested reasons and extrinsic (motivated by outcomes) and intrinsic (motivated by work itself) reasons. Public administration research sheds significant light on extrinsic motivators: working hard to help society (public service motivation), one's organization (organizational commitment) and oneself (financial incentives). Future research should focus on hitherto understudied motivators: symbolic rewards and intrinsic motivators, such as enjoyable work tasks, warm glow, and relatedness with colleagues. Supplementary material for this Element is available online.

Idioma originalAnglès
EditorCambridge University Press
Nombre de pàgines85
ISBN (electrònic)9781108559720
ISBN (imprès)9781108459235
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 3 de juny 2019
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